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Khaled Hussein Mohammed | Iraq

Updated: Aug 14, 2020

Khaled Hussein Mohammed is a cluster munition survivor who lost both legs, one of

his fingers, use of an eye and sustained other injuries when he detonated a cluster munition remnant while farming in Dohuk, northern Iraq.

“When the bombing started, I saw containers opening up in the air. Other smaller bombs came out of the container like pieces of paper. They looked like yellow bottles. Some of them exploded and others did not.”

Khaled was farming his land during the attack. When he tried to move some unexploded submunitions away from his tractor, they exploded. Two soldiers and two shepherds were

also killed on the same land, as well as a boy who was killed picking up an unexploded submunition while collecting plants with his grandmother.

Khaled is now a successful businessman and is happily married with six kids. He also works

the land where his accident happened as it has now been cleared and made safe again

to farm.

“I have been trying to start my life again. I do not want people helping me all the time; I always go up the stairs by myself.”

These photos and story are from an exhibition by photographer Sean Sutton, originally commissioned by the Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC) in collaboration with the Mines Advisory Group (MAG).

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